Fredrik Amréus Hammargården

  • Total activity 49
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Activity overview

Latest activity by Fredrik Amréus Hammargården
  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Connecting and adjusting angles on Provision cameras

    Here are simple steps to help you connect to the camera and adjust its angle according to the instructions. Tips: If you encounter issues, check your network connection and ensure you have the corr...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Guideline for a Wireguard setup

    Wireguard is an excellent alternative to IPSec VPN, offering a simpler setup process and reliable performance, even behind firewalls or without a public IP address. The steps outlined below are dem...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Overview of Indivd's system monitoring procedures

    At Indivd, we employ a robust system monitoring framework that operates on multiple levels, utilizing a mix of proprietary and third-party tools. Our approach is designed to ensure maximum operatio...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Cookie Policy

    We use cookies to give you as a visitor as good an experience as possible of  This policy explains how Indivd uses cookies and in what way you can opt out of them. You agree to our ...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Privacy Policy

    Indivd AB, 559169-7072 (“Indivd” or "we" in any form) is committed to protecting the personal data of the individuals whose personal data we process. This Privacy Policy describes how Individ, in i...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Good and Cheap 2D Surveillance Cameras for People Counting: A Complete Guide

    In this guide, you will find our latest recommendations for good and affordable 2D surveillance cameras that are ideal for visitor counting. If you're looking to optimize your visitor counting with...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Anonymization Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to provide instructions on how to assess changes, updates, or enhancements of Indivd's patented anonymization method. To accomplish this, Indivd has established instru...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Ethics Policy

    Purpose This policy outlines the ethical principles guiding Indivd's AI development and business practices.   Background To gain public trust in AI, it is important to respect privacy and ensure th...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    How we have built and audited our technology for people counting: Building and Auditing GDPR-Ready Technology

    Background Over the years, people have lost trust in organizations that collect a lot of personal data. To regain this trust and improve efficiency and sustainability while protecting democratic va...

  • Fredrik Amréus Hammargården created an article,

    Appendix 3 - Safety Guidelines

    Purpose These guidelines provide a brief overview of potential safety and security risks when using Indivd. This is not professional advice; consult an expert if needed. Background Indivd uses came...